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September 3, 2024

Doing Right by Kids: A Book Event

…Opportunity and Social Mobility, American Enterprise Institute 2:00 p.m. Q&A 2:15 p.m. Panel III: Early Childhood, K–12, and Higher Education Panelists: Beth Akers, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute Chester E….

August 2, 2024

Democrats’ Automatic Stimulus Proposals Undermine the Administration’s “Strongest Economy” Claims

Today’s US jobs report finds the nation’s unemployment rate increased to 4.3 percent in July. According to a measure often cited by liberal policymakers, that suggests the US has entered…

July 17, 2024

Key Takeaways from a New Report on Potential Unemployment Insurance Reforms

…policy recommendations,” but instead “is intended to provide policymakers, advocates, and the media with a range of thoughts” on the broad range of UI reform topics the task force reviewed. I…

May 30, 2024

The Contradictions in Democrats’ Child Tax Credit Expansion Promises

…a “tax cut” 15 times. In reality, the policy was so tilted toward benefit increases it turned the IRS—America’s tax collection agency—into our country’s biggest welfare dispenser. Why are policymakers so eager to cast benefit…

May 29, 2024

Liberals Should Decide Whether Being a Homemaker Is Demeaning or Worthy of Huge New Government Benefits

…a mother.” Many liberals seemed horrified—and apparently unaware that liberal lawmakers have long promoted homemaking over paid employment. In response to Butker’s remarks, circulated an online petition that suggested his comments “reinforce harmful…

May 8, 2024

Beltway Liberals Are Playing Name Games to Expand the Welfare State

…for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.” But policymakers in Washington are, unsurprisingly, out of step with popular opinion. A recent Brookings Institution seminar sunnily titled “Securing the…

April 29, 2024

New “Scorecard” Report Promotes Better Use of Data to Prevent Unemployment Fraud

…blocks, policymakers can’t know if state UI systems are prepared for future shocks—and whether providing expanding federal assistance will, as lawmakers intend, reach citizens in need or instead be siphoned…

April 29, 2024

Measuring What Matters: Context and Recommendations to Improve Reporting on Unemployment Insurance

Key Points This report explores the unemployment insurance system’s current data and performance management practices, including features designed to inform policymakers and the public about deficiencies in the administration of…

April 26, 2024

Washington, District of Benefit Cliffs

As the welfare state expands while policymakers struggle to contain its costs, one unintended result is the creation of significant benefit cliffs. A little-noticed September 2023 report authored by Elias Ilin and Alvaro Sanchez…

April 8, 2024

We Still Don’t Know How Much Taxpayers Lost Due to Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Fraud

…millions of independent contractors, the self-employed, and others never before eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) checks. But in some of the worst policy choices of all time, lawmakers failed to…