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February 1, 2023

The Change in Poverty from 1995 to 2016 Among Single‐​Parent Families

Whether poverty has risen or fallen over time is a key barometer of societal progress. Between 1970 and 2020, the official poverty rate in the United States fell by just 1.2…

January 5, 2023

Defending the American Dream with Michael Strain

Our interview this week is with the American Enterprise Institute’s Michael Strain. Michael is the author of The American Dream Is Not Dead: (But Populism Could Kill It), and we…

January 5, 2023

Faith After the Pandemic: How COVID-19 Changed American Religion

Key Points The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated an overall decline in religious attendance, although religious identity remained mostly stable. The number of Americans who never attend religious services jumped over the…

December 15, 2022

The Myth of Income Stagnation

According to the conventional wisdom, income stagnation and inequality are large and growing threats to broad-based prosperity in the United States. Many economists, journalists, business leaders, and elected leaders (from both parties) believe that for a…

December 9, 2022

“Automatic Stimulus”: How It Would Have Increased the Record Unemployment Benefits Paid During the Great Recession and Pandemic

Key Points During the pandemic, a series of temporary federal programs that operated from March 2020 until September 2021 provided record unemployment benefit expansions. While those temporary programs followed the…

November 28, 2022

Public School Instructional Offerings and Enrollment Changes: Evidence from Two Years After the Pandemic

Key Points Enrollment numbers in the first two pandemic school years demonstrate that district instructional offerings influence families’ enrollment decisions and that these effects were more pronounced in the second…

September 21, 2022

Lessons from the Unprecedented Fraud and Abuse of the Unemployment Benefits System During the Pandemic

Chairman DeSaulnier, Ranking Member Allen, and other members of the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, thank you for inviting me to testify at this morning’s hearing examining the…

September 19, 2022

Men Without Work in the Post-Pandemic Era

Event Summary On September 19, Harvard University’s Lawrence Summers and AEI’s Michael Strain joined AEI’s Nicholas Eberstadt to discuss the new edition of Mr. Eberstadt’s book, Men Without Work: Post-Pandemic Edition (Templeton…

September 12, 2022

Section 199A and “Tax Parity”

Key Points The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included a new deduction for pass-through business income (Section 199A), allowing taxpayers to deduct up to 20 percent of qualifying business income…

August 30, 2022

Biden’s Student Loan Debt Plan is Driven by Politics, Not Economics

On Wednesday, President Biden announced his long-awaited plan to cancel student loans — effectively wiping away up to $10,000 for borrowers with individual income below $125,000 (and couples with joint…