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June 4, 2024

What Comes After Neoliberalism?

The steep tariff increases on Chinese goods that US President Joe Biden’s administration recently announced are just the latest in a long string of interventionist economic policies that fly in…

May 13, 2024

The American Dream Is Alive and Well (and the Problem of US Inequality Greatly Exaggerated)

Don’t listen to the populist naysayers: The U.S. economy continues to deliver jobs, higher wages and upward mobility for those who need it most. What do former President Trump and Bernie Sanders have…

January 30, 2024

How Sensitive Are Single Mothers’ Work Decisions to a Change in Incentives? Correcting Misperceptions of the Evidence

…p. 2715-2717; EITC-eligible families w/ children (incl. married) Lippold (2019) 0.4-1.0 — Y p. 43-45 (lower-income parents, not just single mothers); unpublished Schanzenbach and Strain (2020) 0.9-1.5 — Y Corinth…

December 18, 2023

The State of Democratic Capitalism: 2023

…is wrong. Their solutions won’t work. That economic reality will lead to a political course correction. The future for democratic capitalism is bright. Michael R. Strain holds the Arthur F….

November 14, 2023

Forget the Economics of Grievance

…onerous regulatory regime than existed during the Obama presidency. Read the full report. Notes A version of this report was originally published as Michael R. Strain, “Forget the Economics of…

October 31, 2023

It Takes Two

…family stability. Other research focusing on cultural change dates the shift in norms closer to the 1960s. Economists George A. Akerlof, Janet L. Yellen, and Michael L. Katz argue that the availability…

October 10, 2023

New White House Proposal to Further Alienate Religious Foster Parents

…the supporters of this policy are trying to accomplish, it’s instructive to look at the recent case in Massachusetts of Michael and Kitty Burke. The two were denied a foster-care license…

September 23, 2023

Did Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Increase Unemployment? Evidence from Early State-level Expirations

Abstract During the 2021 pandemic year, the generosity of Unemployment Insurance benefits was expanded (Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation [FPUC]) and eligibility for benefits was broadened (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance [PUA]). These…

September 15, 2023

Why Industrial Policy Fails

With Democrats and Republicans alike supporting a shift from free markets toward government planning, the United States has clearly entered a new era of economic policymaking. Yet all the reasons…

August 22, 2023

Is Paid Leave a Pro-Growth Policy?

…of some problem in the market), and benefit some groups at the expense of others.  Indeed, as my AEI colleague Michael Strain has written, “Such micromanagement would almost surely result in…