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May 7, 2024
Summary: The City of Denver switched to a new zoning code in June 2010. Most areas were upzoned, but some were downzoned. Overall, the policy encouraged housing construction in Denver….
March 28, 2024
Abstract The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, which the US House of Representatives passed on January 31, 2024, and the Senate is now considering, would…
March 27, 2024
Introduction: In this election year, Congress and the President are feeling the urge to help Americans affected by rising housing affordability pressures across the country. With the status-quo untenable, Congress…
March 27, 2024
Opportunity varies by place in the US, with the lowest levels of opportunity in states in the former Confederacy and American Indian reservations. Rural America faces unique challenges in relative…
March 21, 2024
Key Points Early-childhood education policy should provide relief for working families by subsidizing and stabilizing lower-cost early-childhood education options. It should also keep children connected to their families, even though…
January 12, 2024
Abstract While some have declared that short-term guaranteed income demonstrations (patterned on universal basic income schemes) are working almost universally, such cheerleading misses a major drawback: the enormous costs that…
January 8, 2024
Abstract Despite known links between poverty rates and unmarried parenthood, we know little about how changes in family situations after a nonmarital birth affect poverty. This study explores Future of…
December 15, 2023
Introduction America’s system of federalism means that the is- sues that most directly impact the lives of parents and families are often most appropriately dealt with at the state level….
December 13, 2023
The debate about how best to respond to urban crime—a debate that has become more important in light of recent increases in violent crime and homicide in many cities across…
December 1, 2023
The 2023 American Opportunity Index, a collaboration between the Burning Glass Institute, Harvard Business School’s Project on Managing the Future of Work, and the Schultz Family Foundation, examines the career…