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October 23, 2023

A Carbon Tax to Finance Child Tax Credit Expansion

A carbon tax is considered by most economists to be the most efficient and effective way to reduce carbon emissions. However, a long-standing political challenge to a carbon tax is…

July 10, 2023

Reforming the EITC to Reduce Single Parenthood and Ease Work-Family Balance

Sixty years ago, in 1963, 94% of American children were born to married mothers. Today, the figure is only 60 percent. This decline signals a fundamental disruption in the long-standing stability of…

June 30, 2023

Democrats Call Biden’s Economy “Savage” in Attempt to Revive Child Tax Credit

With unemployment near record lows and President Joe Biden running for reelection, some Democrats recently offered an unexpected take on the U.S. economy: It stinks, especially for low-income families. During a…